Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Avedent Turkey Dental Clinic Istanbul
Dental Implants

Dental Implants Turkey: Modern dentistry and advancing technology has given dentists more power and patients more options. At Avedent Turkey, we understand the importance of having a beautiful, confident smile. That’s why we offer our patients dental implants that look and feel completely natural. In as little as one day, you can have a brand new set of permanent teeth that will last for a lifetime. As our implants are made from high-quality materials, they are incredibly strong and durable. Therefore, whether you’re eating your favorite food or enjoying a night out with friends, you can have confidence that your Avedent Turkey dental implants will stay in place.

Dental implants Istanbul, Turkey with you can upgrade your smile and your self-esteem. Avedent Turkey dentists are well-versed in every tooth implant procedure and can safely guide you through it from beginning to end. We also give you a lot of information and ensure you’re in good oral health before and after the procedure.

“Avedent Turkey Dental Implants: Permanent teeth in one day"

Long-Lasting Dental Implants

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What is a dental implant (teeth implant)?

A dental implant is a small titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as a replacement for a missing tooth. The implant is then fitted with a tooth-colored crown, bridge, or denture. Teeth implants are an increasingly popular option for people who are missing one or more teeth, as they offer a number of advantages over traditional dentures and bridges. Implants are much more stable than dentures, and they also aid in taking care of the health of the surrounding teeth. In addition, teeth implants can last long with diligent care.

In cases where the jaw bones are suitable, it may provide the opportunity to offer various treatment alternatives for fixed prosthesis in completely edentulous patients. Implant dental treatments can be included in the treatment plan to facilitate their use as a support for removable dentures as well as fixed dentures. Avedent Dental Clinic successfully implements implant dental treatment in Istanbul with its experienced dentist team.

what is a dental implant in turkey, istanbul?

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Why dental implants?

Dental implants are an ideal option for replacing missing teeth because they provide good stability and support for the prosthesis while also preserving the natural appearance of the smile. Additionally, teeth implants can help to prevent bone loss in the jaw and preserve the healthy function of the teeth. As a result, teeth implants are considered to be a safe and effective treatment option for those missing one or more teeth.

It is a dependable and trouble-free procedure with benefits such as a more natural appearance, a more aesthetic and natural smile, and prevent extra pressure on the jawbone while chewing.

Dental Implant procedure

Oral hygiene is critical for a dental implant procedure. The placement in the jawbone begins after basic conditions are met.

The healing period of the patient is critical while deciding the timing of the placement. This period differs from patient to patient.  Following the healing period, crowns would be placed and secured to the implants, completing the treatment.

There are few precautions to follow post the procedure. Do not eat hot or cold meals after the treatment. Try soft meals like soup, mashed potatoes, etc.

It will accelerate your recovery time and allow you to resume your life with your new healthy teeth. We, at Avedent Turkey, ensure smooth customer care for a quick recovery and healthy dentals.

dental hospital turkey

Why is Turkey preferred?

Turkey’s dental services are well-known throughout the world. The majority of our dental patients in Turkey are foreigners. By focusing on equipment innovation and investing in highly skilled dentists, Turkey has achieved success in medical tourism. The price of a single-tooth dental implant varies on the location. Price is influenced by the type of implant, laboratory costs, and labor costs.

The standard price of teeth implants in the United States is $3500. In the United Kingdom, a tooth implant costs around $4500. It is also true for any dental implant procedure. You can anticipate saving up to 80% of your budget if you get the same dental implant in Turkey.

Latest technology in Turkey

Turkey’s dental clinics are outfitted with cutting-edge technology and experienced technicians who strive to deliver only the best results. CAD/CAM milling machines and 3D Tomographs are examples of technology used in dental clinics.

X-Ray Scan

Radiographs, or X-rays, are essential to any dental treatment plan. They are diagnostic but can also be preventive by assisting a dentist in detecting potential oral health issues in a patient’s mouth before they become serious.

Smile Design in Cad/Cam

A digital 3D camera is part of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technology (a computer-generated design). It is a new procedure that has converted some of the work done by doctors and dental laboratories into work done by computers and the devices they manage.

Dentistry Using Lasers

Dental professionals use hard or soft tissue lasers depending on the treatment. Some people will use both types if the treatment allows it.

Intraoral Scanner

The intraoral scanner is exceptionally light, requiring less effort when scanning for extended periods.

What do same-day dental implants mean?

The same-day dental implant is a kind of implant dentistry in cosmetic dentistry for restoration where a tooth implant and temporary tooth restoration are placed on the same day. 

Same-day dental implant surgery eliminates the need for multiple visits and a lengthy healing period. The damaged or missing tooth is extracted (if necessary), and the tooth implant is inserted into the jawbone during the same appointment. A temporary tooth restoration is attached to the implant, allowing patients to leave with a functional tooth immediately.

However, not all patients are eligible for same-day dental implants, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified dentist to determine suitability. In the context of maxillofacial surgery, teeth implants may be used in cases where patients have missing teeth due to trauma, congenital conditions, or other dental problems. Maxillofacial surgeons have the expertise and training to perform implant surgery, which involves the placement of the implant into the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for the prosthetic tooth.

Types of dental implants

General types of dental implants are single dental implant, All on 4 and All on 6. Dental implants for tooth replacement are available, including:

  • Single dental implant: Replaces a missing tooth using one implant and a crown.
  • All-on-Four: Uses four implants strategically placed in the jaw bone to support an entire arch of teeth.
  • All-on-Six: Similar to All-on-Four, but utilizes six implants for additional stability and support.

Each technique offers a different approach to tooth implant placement and restoration, catering to specific needs and cases of tooth loss. Implants can be named under other names. Standard implants are generally (sometimes mini dental implants) used in these treatments. Mini dental implants are a smaller variant of traditional dental implants.

They are designed to provide a less invasive and more cost-effective solution for some instances of tooth replacement. Upper implants, or maxillary implants, refer to teeth implants placed in the upper jawbone to support tooth restorations for individuals who have lost teeth in their upper arch. Your dentist will decide the best option for dental implants.


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Dental clinic- dental implant Istanbul Turkey Cost

Implant tooth prices are determined differently for each patient depending on the treatment process. Combined procedures such as filling, root canal treatment, zirconium, emax or porcelain laminate veneers, tooth extraction, gum disease treatment can be performed with implant dental treatment, or all on four or all on six can be recommended depending on the need. In addition, implant prices; It may also be affected by factors such as the dentist’s experience, exchange rate difference and the location of  the dental clinic.

How much do dental implants cost? Turkey, Istanbul

Dental implants in Turkey cost can range from $600 to $1,200. In Europe, dental implant costs can vary from $1,000 to $3,000. Full-mouth dental implants cost in Turkey can range from approximately $8,000 to $25,000 ($20,000 to $50,000 per arch in Europa). It is high when compared to dental implants in Turkey prices.

However, these are rough estimates and prices, and dental tourism turkey packages can vary. Tooth implant costs in Turkey, especially dental implants in Turkey Antalya and teeth implants in İstanbul cost tend to be relatively more affordable than many European countries.

Finding cheap dental implants can be a priority for some individuals seeking tooth replacement options.

The cost of dental implants in Turkey can vary depending on the dental clinic, the complexity of the case, and the number of implants needed. Additional fees, such as dental consultations, imaging, materials, and potential different procedures (e.g., bone grafting or sinus lifts) may be involved if required

Dental implants, dental bridges, partial dentures

  • Dental Implants: Dental implants are permanent solutions designed to replicate natural tooth roots that provide stable support for replacement teeth. With artificial roots implanted surgically into your jawbone, implants create the closest replication of natural tooth appearance and function possible – perfect for permanent solutions!
  • Dental Bridges: Dental bridges fill gaps caused by missing teeth by connecting artificial ones with dental crowns attached to adjacent natural ones – non-removable yet dependent upon support of surrounding natural teeth, these non-removable bridges bridge the gaps created when missing ones are lost.
  • Partial denturesPartial dentures are removable appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth. They consist of a framework with artificial teeth that attach to the natural teeth using metal clasps or precision attachments. A denture can be taken out for cleaning and while sleeping.

What about aftercare?

  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and using antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • Avoid Smoking: Quit smoking during implant healing to prevent complications and to speed up recovery from dental implantsFollow a Soft Diet: Post-surgery, follow a soft diet, avoid hard, sticky foods, and gradually reintroduce solid foods.
  • Take Prescribed Medications: Administer prescribed medications as directed by the dentist for infection prevention and pain management.
  • Attend Follow-up Appointments: Attend dentist’s follow-up appointments to monitor healing, adjust implants, and ensure proper functioning of fixed dental implants.
  • Protect Implants: Avoid excessive force, chewing, and using mouthguards for implant protection.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Regular dental care and check-ups ensure implant and oral health.
Avedent Turkey Dental Clinic Istanbul logo

What are the advantages of a tooth implant?

  • Stability and Functionality: Dental implants offer strength, function, and confidence in eating, speaking, and smiling.
  • Improved Appearance: Implants mimic natural teeth, enhancing smile and facial appearance.
  • Long-Term Solution: Teeth implants provide lifetime, reliable tooth replacement with proper dental care.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: Implants preserve facial structure and prevent bone loss due to dental decay.
  • No Impact on Adjacent Teeth: Implants preserve adjacent teeth’s integrity, unlike dental bridges.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Implants offer comfortable, natural tooth replacement without discomfort.
  • Improved Speech: Implants improve speech clarity by preventing slippage and clicking noises.
  • Convenience and Ease of Maintenance: Implants require regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups for convenience for dental health

When should dental implants be done?

In order for implant dental treatments to be applied in a healthy way, it is an important condition for the person to complete the bone development process. This development process of the jaw bones is completed, on average, between the ages of 15 and 16 in women, while it can continue until the ages of 17 and 18 in men. Since the jaw bone development process and the patient’s need for treatment may vary, the lower limit of the age at which treatment can be applied may vary depending on the person.

There is no upper age limit for implant dental treatment. On the other hand, it is beneficial to plan the necessary applications at the earliest period when the person is suitable for treatment. The existence of gaps in the jaw line for a long time may cause an increase in bone resorption in the relevant area and may also cause tipping in the teeth adjacent to the gap. Occurrence of these situations may lead to the need for additional treatment procedures to place a dental implant in the relevant area.

When can a dental implant not be done?

Successful treatment is not possible if sufficient tissue support is not provided in the area for the implant tooth to remain stable. In these cases, it is essential to plan additional treatment procedures before treatment. Some systemic diseases may completely prevent dental implant application. For this reason, it is important that the person gives detailed information about his health condition to the dentist he consults for treatment.

Are Implant Teeth Safe in Istanbul?

Implant teeth are very safe when applied under appropriate conditions. In this case, it is evaluated whether the patient has a disease or habit that may pose an obstacle to treatment. It can be used safely when placed in areas with sufficient bone amount, taking into account the surrounding anatomical structures. Their production is achieved by special processing of the titanium element to create the appropriate form. Since the titanium element is a material that is compatible with the tissues in the area where it is applied, it does not cause the development of toxic or allergic reactions.

Are there any risks with dental implants?

Yes, teeth implant treatment has some risks and potential complications. 

While dental implants are generally considered safe and have a high success rate, it’s essential to be aware of the following risks:


    • Infection at the implant site
    • Implant failure (integration with the jawbone)
    • Nerve or tissue damage
    • Sinus complications (for implants in the upper jaw)
    • Bone loss or resorption around the implant
    • Allergic reactions to implant materials (rare)
Dental Implant Istanbul Turkey

Conventional dental implants vs same-day dental implants?

Conventional Dental Implants:

  • A multi-step process involving multiple visits and a healing period.
  • Implant placement is followed by a separate procedure for attaching the final restoration.
  • The healing time required for osseointegration before the final restoration can be placed.
  • Traditional approach with a longer overall treatment duration.
  • Suitable for most cases, providing a durable and long-lasting tooth replacement option.

Same Day Dental Implants:

  • A single-step process with implant placement and temporary restoration on the same day.
  • Immediate functionality allows you to leave with a functional tooth shortly after the procedure.
  • Advanced techniques and materials used for streamlined treatment.
  • Reduced treatment time and convenience for eligible patients.
  • Not suitable for all cases, as eligibility depends on factors like oral health and bone density.

Am I suitable for dental implants?

all on four- all on six istanbul turkey

Yes, you are suitable candidate for dental implant treatment  if you have the typical features given below:

  • Individuals with missing teeth or severely damaged teeth.
  • Those who have adequate jawbone density to support the implant or are eligible for bone grafting.
  • Patients with good oral health, free from active gum disease or other oral infections.
  • Non-smokers or individuals willing to quit smoking during the treatment and healing process.
  • Individuals committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups.
  • Those with realistic expectations and a willingness to undergo the necessary steps and healing time for successful implant integration.

Are dental implants safe in Turkey?

Yes, dental implants are safe in Turkey. 

  • Dental implants in Turkey and also dental surgery in Turkey are generally considered safe, with numerous reputable clinics offering high-quality dental implant treatments. 
  • Teeth implant treatments in Turkey adhere to international standards and protocols.
  • Turkey has a well-established dental education system with reputable dental schools.
  • Turkish teeth dentists in Turkey undergo rigorous training and education to obtain their qualifications.
  • Many dental clinics to fix teeth in Turkey have well-trained and experienced implant specialists.
  • Ensure the dental clinic follows proper sterilization and hygiene practices.
  • Verify the credentials and qualifications of your dentist in Turkey who will perform the implant procedure for dental implant surgery.
  • Communicate openly with the dental team, discuss any concerns, and ask questions to ensure a safe and satisfactory treatment experience. 
  • The term dental implants before and after is often used on the internet by those who want to have implants. Teeth implants before and after are the reflection of the practical applications of the dentist who performs the before and after implant procedure. Therefore it should be remembered that dental implants before and after photos are essential to achieve successful results.

What are the dangers of dental implants in Turkey?

There could be risks and issues with the prosthesis later on if the screws used in implant surgery don’t match the required criteria. Therefore, ensuring the clinic’s qualification is crucial.

You can find out that dental implants Istanbul reviews (Dentist in Turkey reviews) are suitable from online review platforms, dental forums, or travel websites that specialize in medical tourism. If you are considering teeth implants in Istanbul and looking for dental implants near me, you can contact us.

How is Dental Implant Treatment Done?

During the first planned examination, clinical and radiographic examinations are performed in detail and the conditions needed to provide implant dental treatment are evaluated. When it is determined that the appropriate conditions are met, the aesthetic evaluation phase begins. At this stage, design alternatives are created for the dental prostheses to be applied, taking into account the patient’s needs and expectations. After the outline of the prosthesis design is determined, the stage of determining the implant features needed to support the prosthesis begins. These features are evaluated through three-dimensional radiographic images taken from the patient. To ensure ideal support, millimetric measurements are made in the relevant areas and the number, position, length and diameter of the implants are determined.

Treatment duration for implant applications may vary depending on many parameters. The patient’s current health condition, oral and dental health, the number of implants needed and additional treatment needs are of great importance for the length of the process. In cases where ideal conditions are met, it may be possible to transition to the prosthetic phase on the same day as dental implant treatment. In cases where the chance of success of the treatment is not high, the process may be prolonged as additional treatment procedures may be needed for a healthy application.

How is Dental Implant Treatment Done? dental treatments clinic dentist istanbul turkey

Is dental implant treatment painful?

No, dental implant treatment is not painful. 

However, it’s natural to experience some mild discomfort or soreness after the treatment, not during the procedure. 

  • Sedation with local anesthesia is administered during the implant placement, ensuring a pain-free experience.
  • Some patients may experience mild soreness, swelling, or bruising in the days following the surgery.
  • Discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications, as your dentist recommends.
  • The level of pain or discomfort varies for each individual and depends on factors such as the case’s complexity and personal pain tolerance.
  • With proper aftercare and adherence to post-operative instructions, any discomfort typically subsides within a few days to a week.
tooth pain treatments clinic istanbul turkey

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants can last 20 years or more with proper care and maintenance,

  • The durability of teeth implants can vary based on individual factors such as oral hygiene, overall health, and lifestyle habits.
  • High-quality teeth implants and components from reputable manufacturers tend to have better longevity.
  • Studies suggest that dental implants have a success rate of over 95% after ten years.
  • Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings can help detect and address any potential issues early, enhancing the lifespan of dental implants.
  • Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can impact the success and longevity of dental implants. It is essential to maintain healthy gums to ensure the stability and health of dental implants.
  • Dental implants success rate and longevity depend on factors like oral hygiene, health, and lifestyle habits. Regular follow-up care and professional recommendations are essential for optimal results.

Full mouth dental implants turkey package deals, reviews & prices

Full-arch dental implants, also known as all-on implants or implant-supported dentures, are a comprehensive tooth replacement solution for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both jaws. It involves the placement of a complete set of dental implants to support a fixed prosthesis that replaces all the missing teeth in the arch.

Here are some typical inclusions in full-mouth dental implant packages and reviews.

  • Consultation and Examination: Initial evaluation of your oral health and discussion of treatment options.
  • Imaging and Treatment Planning: X-rays, CT scans, or 3D imaging to assess your jawbone and plan the implant placement.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: Placement of dental implants in the jawbone, typically under local anaesthesia or sedation.
  • Temporary Restorations: Provision of temporary teeth or dentures during the healing phase.
  • Final Restorations: Fabrication and placement of permanent dental crowns, bridges, or complete arch dentures.
  • Medications: Prescription medications to manage pain, prevent infection, and aid in the healing process.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Post-operative visits to monitor healing and ensure the long-term success of the implants.

    Turkey’s tooth implant reviews vary depending on individual experiences and clinic choices. Reputable clinics in Turkey offer affordable, high-quality care with experienced professionals and advanced technology. To gauge quality, research review platforms, seek personal recommendations, and contact clinics directly. Consider factors like qualifications, expertise, communication, pricing, and facilities when making a decision. 

Why do patients from abroad prefer dental implants in Turkey?

Some explanations of why people go to Turkey for teeth implants are given below:
  • Affordability: Turkey offers affordable dental implant treatment due to lower living costs and competitive pricing.
  • High-Quality Care: Turkey’s dental clinics offer high-quality care with modern facilities, advanced equipment, and experienced professionals.
  • Experience & Treatments: Prosthodontists are dental specialists specializing in the restoration and replacement of missing teeth as well as any associated oral structures. Turkish dentists excel in implant procedures, having extensive training and experience. Commonly preferred treatments in Turkey are single dental implant, all on 4, all on 6, Hollywood smile, teeth whitening, dental crown and dental veneer, laminate veneers, zirconia crown, porcelain crown etc.  
  • Dental Tourism Infrastructure: Turkey’s dental tourism infrastructure caters to international patients with clinics in Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir offering language support, accommodation, and airport transfers. 
  • Beautiful Tourist Destinations: Turkey offers dental treatment, cultural heritage, and beautiful landscapes, combining dental care with tourism.
  • Positive Reviews and Recommendations: Turkey’s dental implant patients boost dental tourism interest with positive reviews.
Dental Clinic dental travel Istanbul Turkey

What can be done if a dental implant fails?

It is possible to repeat the implant operation that failed. The implant that was inserted needs to be taken out first. The patient is given a local anaesthetic. After the implant is taken out, the bone tissue is cleansed. Bone grafting is utilised when necessary. It is anticipated that the treated tissue will mend. The procedures for building implant teeth are repeated once recovery has occurred.

How long after extraction is implant placed?

The implant can be made following tooth extraction if the patient has enough jawbone tissue. In the event that the dentist deems implant treatment unsuitable on the day of tooth extraction, the procedure may be carried out three to six months later. Even if a tooth extraction occurred many years ago, implant dentistry treatment is still possible.

If you want to have implant dental treatment done by experienced dentists with peace of mind, you can choose Avedent Dental Clinic. You can get more detailed information and make an appointment by contacting our clinic for implant dental treatment in Istanbul.

Glance at Dental Implants
Need bone grafting? It depends on the amount and quality of your bone.
Success rate? High success rates, ranging from 95% to 98%.
Return to work? Seven days after the treatment
Duration of treatment? Typically takes about 1 to 2 hours.
Suitable age range? After the age of 18
Feeling pain? No pain during the operation
Safe in Turkey? Safe due to highly experienced Turkish dentists, good dental services, latest technology and equipment
Warranty or guarantee? Please ask your insurance service.
Natural looking? Very similar to your natural teeth
Worth it? Yes, generally, it is worth it.
Removable? No, it cannot be removed by the patient.

Note: You can contact us to get more detailed information and read all four dental implants treatment. This article should only be taken as informational or advisory advice and taken after consultation with your surgeon who will examine and perform surgery on you. Our best wishes go out for healthy days ahead!