How to Get Rid of Stains? How to Remove Black Stains on Teeth?

Tooth Stains
Our teeth, like any of our organs, have a living structure, even if we do not notice it much. It develops together with our body from birth, and although development stops with age, change continues. Our teeth, which maintain their vitality, may become stained due to our eating habits, genetics, diseases we have had, and medications we use.
What Causes Yellow Stains on Teeth?
Yellow stains on teeth occur in two ways: internal or external. Internal stains may be caused by some medications used at a young age when tooth development occurs. External stains occur outside the tooth enamel, mostly depending on eating habits. The answer to the question of why teeth turn yellow can be said as follows:
- The main reason for yellowing of teeth is not performing regular oral care or doing it incorrectly. Not getting enough nutrients or an unbalanced diet can cause teeth to turn yellow. Bone structure weakens with age, and tooth structure also becomes thinner. This causes the teeth to appear yellow.
- Consuming excessive amounts of coloring beverages such as tea and coffee causes yellowing of teeth. Genetic structure affects tooth color and accordingly the tooth color may be yellow.
- Smoking alone is responsible for yellow stains on teeth.
- Sugary and acidic foods can yellow teeth. If the yellowing of the teeth is due to their internal structure, this may be due to some medications used in childhood.
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What Should I Do to Remove Yellow Stains on Teeth?
If you have yellow stains on your teeth, you do not need to worry immediately. If you take precautions immediately, yellowing of teeth can be cleared up without damaging your teeth and gums. Here are the things you need to do against yellowing teeth:
- To prevent yellowing of your teeth, first brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day.
- Use a toothbrush suitable for your teeth and gums.
- Make it a habit to use dental floss.
- Limit tea and coffee consumption, brush your teeth after such drinks.
- Reduce smoking, quit completely if possible. The most important cause of yellow stains on teeth is smoking.
- Use a home-type tooth whitening gel.
What is the Most Effective Application to Remove Yellow Stains on Teeth?
Some of our patients are looking for an effective method other than the recommendations mentioned above to prevent yellowing of their teeth. Sometimes, as a result of this search, our patients who use some products that dentists do not approve of may suffer more harm than good. For this reason, we recommend that our patients be careful about slogans such as “no more yellowing on teeth” and “the most effective solution to yellow stains on teeth”.
If you are complaining of yellow stains on your teeth and you do not have the white teeth in the tone you want, while taking care of oral hygiene, you can consult our specialist dentists. The most effective practice for teeth whitened from all stains is tooth whitening (Bleaching) by professional dentists. For effective teeth whitening and stain treatment, you can also benefit from aesthetic dentistry applications with uncircumcised laminate, porcelain lamine, emax&empress or zirconium veneers.
You can contact Avedent Dental Clinic in Kadıköy, Istanbul, for solutions to yellowing teeth and all your oral and dental health problems.
What is Black Stain on Teeth?
Black stains on the teeth are usually formed by the accumulation of dark colored dots in the area following the contour of the gum edge. Although these black teeth stains are more common in children, they are also common in adults. Tooth stains are called internal and external, and as it turns out, black stains on the teeth are external stains. Black stains on teeth are bacterial dental plaques that tend to calcify.
Are Black Stains on Teeth Harmful?
Interestingly, it has been found that tooth decay is less common in patients with black stains on their teeth. In other words, the bacteria that cause black stains on the teeth can be said to be harmless. Of course, this pleasing information does not eliminate your desire to get rid of the bad appearance of your teeth. We can say that the only harm of these black stains is that you cannot smile freely and be shy when taking photos.
What Causes Black Stains on Teeth?
Stains on teeth are very depressing. The most stubborn and disturbing of these stains are the black stain formations on the teeth. Because we can say that it is more difficult to fight against these black stains. So what causes black stains on teeth? It is actually quite difficult to answer this question clearly. Although tea, coffee consumption or medication use are generally considered to be responsible for black stains on teeth, it is very difficult to talk about a definitive cause.
We can detail the cause of black stains on teeth as follows. These plates are known to contain the bacteria Actinomyces naeslundii and Lactobacillus spp. It is believed that the cause of black stains in the teeth is ferric sulfide, which is the interaction between hydrogen sulfite and iron produced by these bacteria.
In patients with iron deficiency and excess, it has been found to cause an increase in the amount of iron contained in saliva, in which case there are stains on the plates on the teeth by attaching the iron.

How to Get Rid of Black Stains on Teeth?
Since the iron factor is the primary factor in the formation of black stains on the tooth, it is first to check whether there is a deficiency or an excess of iron. If there is a problem with iron, you need to bring the iron ratio to normal levels to prevent black stains on the tooth.
To prevent black stains on the tooth:
- First of all, daily oral hygiene should be carried out regularly.
- Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes with a toothbrush.
- If you don’t have the habit of wearing tooth rope, make it a habit soon.
But if you do all of this, it won’t be enough to remove the black stains on the tooth. A large majority of those already complaining of black stains on the tooth say they brush their teeth regularly. To do this, it is useful to get a professional whitening support. After dental whitening, with regular oral care, it has been found that the tooth has not had any black stains for a long time. It could also be considered a solution to make a laughing design with a zirconium or porcelain laminate veneers.
Nothing can replace perfect, healthy teeth.
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