Laser Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Turkey Cost

Avedent Turkey Dental Clinic Istanbul

Laser Teeth Whitening

To smile confidently and feel comfortable, it is essential to have white teeth. Clean teeth and a sparkling appearance are desired by everyone. In fact, dental cleaning, which is very important in terms of both health and aesthetics, is sometimes neglected and sometimes not sufficiently provided due to consumption habits. Teeth cleaning can be achieved with teeth whitening (bleaching) method. Today, laser teeth whitening, which is a newer method for this, is frequently used.

What is laser teeth whitening? in Turkey

Laser teeth whitening is a bleaching method that allows the improvement of tooth discoloration that has deteriorated for any reason, congenital or acquired. Almost everyone complains about their tooth color at various periods of their lives. With this method, you can have snow-white teeth after a simple procedure.

Today, there are different methods used to lighten the tooth tone. These can be categorized into two groups as home whitening and office whitening. Laser teeth whitening is an office whitening method that can only be applied by dentists.

You can contact the specialist dentists of AveDent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic in Istanbul, Turkey for the removal of congenital stains and subsequent tooth stains with laser teeth whitening. Please contact us for detailed information and appointment.

How is laser teeth whitening done?

Laser teeth whitening is done by applying a special gel such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to the teeth and then using a laser to activate the gel.

After a preliminary examination, the dentist will assess whether the patient is suitable for this method of teeth whitening. A protective appliance is then placed to help the patient keep their mouth open. In order to prevent the gel to be applied to the tooth from damaging the gums, a protector is applied to the areas near the end of the tooth. This creates a thin layer on the gums to protect them from irritation.

After the gums are safe, the whitening gel is carefully applied on the teeth. This gel alone is passive. The gel is activated with a pen-type laser. The gel starts to foam on the teeth and removes the stains on the teeth.

The foaming gel layer is left on the teeth for a few minutes to ensure effectiveness according to the intensity of the stains. The teeth are then cleaned with a vacuum device. The process can be repeated if necessary.

After the desired whiteness is obtained, the laser teeth whitening process is completed after the protective layer on the gums and teeth are cleaned.

Aftercare Tips for Laser Teeth Whitening


If you have tooth sensitivity after laser teeth whitening, take a break from hot and cold foods and drinks for a while. Do not consume dark colored drinks such as tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages for the first 24 hours. During this time, you should also stop smoking, which causes yellow stains on the teeth. If you want the shine you get on your teeth after laser teeth whitening to last for a long time, you should follow these recommendations. In addition, daily oral care routine such as brushing and flossing should not be neglected.

What are the advantages of laser teeth whitening?

  • Since laser teeth whitening is performed in a clinical environment, there is no need for any complementary treatment at home.
  • The lightening of the tooth tone can be noticed immediately after the first session.
  • The procedure can be repeated for several sessions until the desired result is achieved.
  • It provides a very fast and effective whitening of teeth compared to home-type products.

Laser Teeth Whitening Before and After

It is certain that the before and after pictures of laser teeth whitening are decisive for patients who are in the process of deciding on this treatment. For this reason, you can make a detailed examination about the before and after pictures of laser teeth whitening by visiting AveDent Instagram account and our clinic.

How long does laser teeth whitening last?

The lifespan of laser teeth whitening is up to 3 years. This period varies according to the patient’s eating and drinking habits and oral and dental health care routine. If the consumption of coloring beverages such as tea and coffee is too high and tooth brushing is neglected, the life of laser teeth whitening is shortened. With regular dentist appointments every 6 months, balanced consumption of coloring foods and beverages and good oral hygiene, the duration of teeth whitening can be extended.

Is laser teeth whitening harmful?

Laser teeth whitening is not harmful. The use of laser in dentistry is a reliable method that has been preferred in areas such as laser gum treatment, gum pinking, gingival aesthetics and frenectomy for many years. Laser application in teeth whitening is harmless if it is applied by dentists and the gums are protected correctly. What can be considered as a side effect is the formation of irritation in the gums when the process for gum protection is insufficient. This side effect passes in a short time. Some patients may also experience temporary tooth sensitivity.

Laser teeth whitening reviews

Laser teeth whitening reviews are an important source of data to refer to after the before and after pictures. Just looking at before and after pictures can sometimes be misleading. Learning the comments about this treatment is the easiest way to learn patient experiences about how they feel during the laser teeth whitening process. You can come to our clinic and learn the comments of our patients who have had teeth whitening with this method.

It should not be forgotten that in addition to evaluating the before and after pictures and comments, it is absolutely necessary to consult with an experienced dentist to decide on teeth whitening.

Laser teeth whitening Turkey prices

For laser teeth whitening prices, a preliminary examination should be performed by the specialist dentists of AveDent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic in Istanbul, Turkey. Accordingly, exact price can be given after determining the intensity of the tooth stains and the number of sessions. In addition, some patients need scaling before laser teeth whitening. There may be an increase in cost due to such extra treatments. However, in general, the price of laser teeth whitening varies between $100 and $300. Please call us for detailed information about the price.