Mini Dental Implant
in Turkey, Istanbul

Dental implant procedures can be preferred for an ideal prosthesis procedure in many patients with missing teeth. This approach eliminates the person's functional losses and achieves an aesthetic smile. However, an ideal implant procedure requires sufficient bone tissue in the planned area. Despite the availability of various procedures and alternatives to enhance bone tissue in the region, patients may encounter situations where these procedures are not feasible. Today, numerous advancements in dentistry enable the performance of ideal implant procedures in such cases. With new treatment methods, implant treatments can be completed without the need for additional procedures even in the presence of less bone tissue. Mini implant procedures are one of these treatment methods.
Mini Implant Turkey Cost
What is a mini implant?
Mini implants are screws made of titanium with a narrow diameter that are inserted into the bone and mimic the tooth root. The main difference from traditional implants is that their diameter is approximately half that of traditional implants. Mini implants can be applied with more minimal procedures in both bone tissue and soft tissues.
Mini Implant Prices in Turkey
Mini implant prices in Turkey vary depending on factors such as the number of implants and whether the implant prosthesis structure is porcelain, zirconium, or emax & empress.
For mini implant prices, you can make an online appointment at our clinic in Turkey, Istanbul or contact us.
When to use mini implants?
When the jawbone’s width is insufficient for standard implant procedures, one can perform a mini implant procedure.
In patients who have thin bones and use removable prostheses, it can be planned to support the prosthesis to increase the comfort of use.
It can be preferred when it is desired to eliminate the additional cost caused by bone grafting procedures required to increase bone tissue.
It can be applied when there is not enough time for the healing processes required after the bone graft procedure.
It can be included in the treatment plan of elderly patients in order to complete implant procedures with the minimum possible procedures.
What are the advantages of mini implant?
The treatment process can be completed in a shorter time compared to traditional procedures.
The procedures performed on the jawbone are more minimal. This minimises the possibility of pain, swelling, or bleeding after the procedure, and the healing process can be completed in a shorter time.
The procedure can be performed without the need to open the gum tissue in the procedure area.
If the appropriate conditions are met, temporary prostheses can be placed on the implant in the same session as the implant’s procedure.
The cost is lower compared to stardart implant treatments that can be applied to the person.

How is mini implant treatment done?
Treatment procedures with mini implants are very similar to those with traditional implants. The treatment starts with local anaesthesia in the relevant area, which allows for a comfortable procedure. The gum tissue over the area where the implant will be placed is removed.
Then a narrow socket is prepared in the bone, and the implant is placed in the socket. Thanks to the very minimal procedures performed on the tissues, temporary prostheses can be applied over the implants following implant placement. When the bone and the mini implant fuse ideally, the temporary prostheses are removed and the treatment is completed with the placement of permanent prostheses.
What is the process after a mini implant?
Since it is a surgical procedure, minimal pain and edema may occur after mini implant procedure. These problems can be eliminated in a short time by using the medications prescribed by the dentist as recommended and applying cold compresses.
Avoiding hard or sticky foods in the first days following the treatment is important to ensure a long-lasting treatment. Bacterial plaque can accumulate on implant surfaces as well as on tooth surfaces. In cases where oral hygiene is not sufficient, gingivitis may develop around the implant, similar to natural teeth, and may cause destruction of the jawbone in the future.
Therefore, routine oral care procedures for natural teeth should also apply to mini implants.

Avedent dental clinic offers you many implant procedure alternatives with its expert dentist staff. You can apply to our clinic at any time and get more detailed information about the suitability of mini implant procedures for you.