Disease may develop in the teeth in the mouth due to many reasons. When these diseases cannot be treated in the long term, infection may develop in the surrounding tissues of the teeth. Today, in many cases, it is possible to restore teeth and recover surrounding tissues. However, in cases where tissues are irreversibly damaged, tooth extraction may be necessary to prevent further loss of surrounding tissues.
Tooth Extraction Istanbul - How Much Are Tooth Extraction Prices? Pediatric Tooth Extraction
What is tooth extraction?
Tooth extraction is the process of removing teeth that cannot be treated with restorations from their sockets in the bone. With tooth extraction, it becomes possible to heal the surrounding tissues and make various adjustments.
Tooth extraction should be considered as a last resort. Tooth extraction can be performed in cases where the dental tissue cannot be repaired with root canal treatment, filling or ziconium, porcelain, e-max & empress dental veneer. Tooth extraction is a procedure performed specifically for each tooth, for example wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that should be evaluated apart from normal tooth extraction.
Tooth Removal Cost Turkey
Tooth extraction prices may vary depending on the location of the dental clinic in Istanbul and the damage and location of the tooth to be treated. Tooth extraction should be performed after evaluating the condition of the damaged tooth and surrounding tissues. Procedures and treatments related to gum diseases and jawbone may also affect tooth extraction prices.
In order to have accurate information about tooth extraction prices in Istanbul, an evaluation should be made by specialist dentists. Our patients who want to have a tooth extraction in Istanbul can get more detailed information by contacting Avedent Dental Clinic.
Pediatric Tooth Extraction Turkey
Children’s milk teeth and, even if undesirable, permanent teeth are extracted when necessary. Dentists need to pay special attention to pediatric tooth extraction. Avedent Dental Clinic in Istanbul is one of the best addresses for pediatric tooth extraction. In our pediatric dentistry (Pedodontics) department, we provide services on fluoride and fissure sealant applications, milk tooth treatment and dental health during pregnancy. Our dentists, who have received special training for children, are ready to help you in every aspect.
How is Tooth Extraction Done?
In order to plan tooth extraction, it must first be evaluated in detail with intraoral clinical and radiographic examinations. When the treatment phase begins, the area is first anesthetized with the help of local anesthesia to ensure a comfortable procedure. Although the pressure applied to the tooth may be felt after this stage, the treatment can be completed without any pain.
The connection of the tooth in the anesthetized area with its socket is loosened with special tools. The tooth is then removed from its socket and the tissues surrounding the tooth are completely cleaned. The treatment is terminated after the bleeding is controlled by placing gauze on the extraction site.

In Which Situations Are Teeth Extracted?
- The most common reasons for the need for tooth extraction are that the teeth are damaged beyond repair due to trauma or carious lesions.
- In case of irreversible loss of tissues around the teeth, extraction of the teeth may be necessary. This may occur due to the spread of the dental infection to the bone, or it may occur due to the advanced spread of the gum infection.
- People who have a genetically small jaw structure and large teeth may experience significant crookedness in their tooth alignment. In these cases, extraction of some teeth may be planned for clear aligners (invisalign) and braces treatment during the orthodontic treatment process.
- In cases where teeth embedded in the jaw may endanger the health of surrounding tissues, surgical tooth extraction can be planned.
- Since protecting general health is a priority for people who are undergoing chemotherapy or using immunosuppressive drugs, teeth that are at risk of infection may be planned to be extracted.
Avedent offers you many dental treatment applications with its experienced physician staff. You can make an appointment at our clinic whenever you want and get more detailed information about your tooth extraction needs.