Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure & Healing

Teeth in the mouth are important tissues that play a role in maintaining various functions at different times. For this reason, in case of disease in the teeth, treatments that keep the tooth in the mouth are generally preferred. However, in some cases, the tooth may need to be extracted to preserve the health of the surrounding tissues. Wisdom tooth removal procedures are among the frequently needed treatments in this context.
Turkey Istanbul Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost
What is wisdom teeth removal? Turkey
Wisdom tooth extraction is the process of removing the third molars located at the back of the mouth from the oral environment for various reasons. These teeth in the mouth can be extracted using standard tooth extraction procedures or surgical procedures, depending on their position. Wisdom tooth extraction is also called impacted tooth extraction or wisdom tooth extraction. Wisdom tooth extraction, which is a delicate procedure, is performed carefully by our expert dentists at Avedent Dental Clinic in Istanbul.
At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Come In?
Wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth, usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. The age at which these teeth erupt may vary depending on the person’s development process. Depending on various factors, it is possible for these teeth to never erupt.
How much does wisdom tooth extraction cost in Turkey?
The price for wisdom tooth extraction or impacted tooth extraction may depend on several factors, including the location of the dental clinics in Istanbul. When wisdom tooth extraction is performed in accordance with normal tooth extraction procedures, there is not much difference in price. However, some patients have what we call an impacted tooth, and in these patients, the gums may need to be opened and the bone tissue may need to be intervened.
In addition, after wisdom tooth extraction, other dental treatments will be performed, such as aesthetic filling, smile design, root canal treatment, zirconium crown, porcelain crown, e-max/empress crown, implant tooth, all on 4/6, gum diseases or orthodontics. may be effective in determining the price.
You can contact our clinic to get more detailed information about the price of wisdom tooth extraction in Istanbul and our other treatments.
Why is wisdom teeth removal performed?
Wisdom teeth that erupt into the mouth are located in an area that is difficult to clean. In people with a narrow jaw arch, only part of the tooth erupts or develops in a direction other than the chewing line, which can make the care of the area more difficult. For this reason, infection development is often observed in wisdom teeth and around these teeth. When the disease develops, the unique anatomical structures of these teeth may make it difficult to treat them with tissue-preserving methods. In these cases, tooth extraction may be planned to control the infection and protect the surrounding tissues.
Wisdom teeth can remain embedded in the jawbone or gum tissue without ever erupting into the mouth. This may be due to the person having a narrow jaw arch or the tooth being positioned improperly within the jawbone. These impacted teeth can often remain impacted for a long time without causing any problems for the surrounding tissues. However, in some cases, it may cause tissue destruction in adjacent teeth or may affect the development of crowding by compressing the erupted teeth. In addition, infection may develop in impacted teeth due to various factors and spread to surrounding tissues. In these cases, extraction of impacted wisdom teeth is very important to maintain oral health.
How is wisdom teeth removal done?
The extraction method of wisdom teeth is determined as a result of clinical examination and evaluation of radiological examinations.
All tooth extraction treatments begin with the application of local anesthesia to the area. In cases where the wisdom tooth erupts completely into the mouth, standard tooth extraction procedures are applied and the treatment is completed.
In cases where a wisdom tooth is impacted, the gum tissue in the area is opened a little and some bone tissue is removed in accordance with the position of the tooth.
After the impacted tooth is removed from the bone with the help of special treatment tools, the area is thoroughly cleaned and the tissues are closed back with the help of stitches.

Post-Operative Instructions: Wisdom Teeth Removal
- Care should be taken to use the medications prescribed by the dentist as recommended. These drugs are important for the healthy completion of the tissue healing process. You can also use these medications to relieve pain after wisdom tooth extraction.
- At the end of the treatment, the tampon applied to the area should be bitten and kept in the mouth for approximately half an hour and then thrown away. It is normal for bleeding to continue in the form of leakage in the following period. However, unless there is heavy bleeding, a new tampon should not be placed in the area as it may prevent the formation of healing tissue.
- No food should be consumed for 2 hours after the treatment. Afterwards, avoiding very hot, acidic or spicy foods for the first few days will positively affect healing.
- Applying cold compresses intermittently for the first 24 hours following the treatment minimizes the possibility of edema.
- Smoking may prevent the healing of the extraction wound because it causes deterioration in the nutrition of the tissues. Therefore, smoking should be stopped for the first few days.
- In order for the healing tissue to adhere to the area, pressurized movements such as mouth rinsing or spitting should be avoided for the first few days following the treatment.
- It is important to keep the area where the tooth extraction is performed clean. Care of the area can be achieved by brushing it with a soft toothbrush the day after the treatment.
Avedent offers you the treatment applications needed for wisdom tooth extractions with its expert physician staff. You can visit our clinic at any time and consult our physicians to find out the current status of your wisdom teeth. You can make an appointment by contacting our clinic immediately.